by Elizabeth Agyemang
Here, I’ll talk about all facets of my creative process, from projects I’m working on, updates and news, to my general musings about art, history, and pop culture that a thread online probably won’t be able to encompass.
In my DEAR READER segments I give a general update on my monthly goings, what I’m looking forward to this month, what didn’t exactly work out, and what I’m working towards going forward.
In my READ ALL ABOUT IT segments, I give updates on project news and announcements.
In my WHAT I’M DRAFTING segments I give updates on my current writing and art projects. I talk about the writing/illustrating process.
In my SANKOFA: GO BACK AND RETRIEVE IT segments I talk about things I learned from the past, from historical facts to tidbits I discovered while researching for my WIPs to useful tips I’ve learned in the creative process. I also discuss the films, books, and video games that have and continue to inspire me.
In my DOODLE OF THE MONTH segments, I share a doodle. Doodles of the month can also be specifically requested by subscribers.
These segments will alternate throughout the year. Additional segments include serialized comics, notes from past Liz, analyzing old art/writing, and guest posts. So, if all of this sounds interesting to you sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue!
Elizabeth Agyemang is an illustrator, printmaker, and storyteller. She writes about history, folklore, romance, and fairy tales and draws from elements of her African heritage. Heart-Shaped Lies is her debut young adult novel. Find her online at or on Twitter and Instagram @onceAddai.